Privacy Policy

 Magix Bullet is committed to providing a gaming experience without compromise and upholding a high standard of privacy protection. Only third-party services, Google Play-approved SDKs, and analytics tools were used to do this. Our games only gather the data necessary to deliver the necessary and pertinent services. The specifics of how we collect and use that information are covered in this paper. Also, there are connections to the allowed analytical tools and services that apply.

As our games are designed for kids, we go above and beyond to protect their security and privacy. Our family-friendly apps are put through a variety of tests and quality checks, conform with a number of foreign privacy laws, and protect children's safety and privacy.

Data Collection

Only a very minimal amount of personal information is gathered by our game that is required for game services to operate legally and properly. Emails used to contact the business, payment details for in-app purchases, and other instances may fall under this heading. For advertising ID reasons, mobile advertising IDs are employed. These are advertising-related, device-specific, resettable Identifiers. This might be the Apple IDFA for Apple devices and the AAID for Google devices. They are still accessible through device settings and remain under your control.

Analytics and performance monitoring are further used for the collection of anonymized data. The primary purpose of this data is to improve our user interface and gameplay. There are several potential uses for this information, including

Children and Family Privacy

We check to make sure the analytics and advertising services we employ are suitable for families and kids who use our applications and games. This includes making sure that the promotion for the app is suitable for families with young children. We use game enhancement services to make sure that we can keep improving and expanding our offerings without endangering the safety, security, or privacy of our children and families. Two of our third-party analytics service providers are Game Analytics and Firebase, and their agreements are as follows:

Game Analytics:`


Third-Party Google Play Approved advertisement platforms

1. Unity

2. Google Admob

3. Applovin

Unless required by law, we do not disclose the data we collect from these services with any other organizations or services; instead, we use it to improve our own services and analytics. Examples of data that may be gathered include the IP address of the device, the mobile phone provider, the game's current state, the amount of time spent playing, and achievements.

For more information you can check the link given below:




There is third-party advertising in our games. We reserve the right to use our services to market other goods under our own brand.


To better understand how our apps and games are used by users and their parents, we incorporate game analytics advertising features.

You can read the document at the provided link to gain a better knowledge of the Game Analytics policies.

Customized advertisements and data

Our Ads services allow us and our publisher partners (the majority of whom are independent developers of mobile applications) to monetize advertising inventory by enabling advertisers to show users customized advertising that is only comprised of Ads that have been reviewed and approved by Google Play for children and families. In order to offer these services to our clients and partners, we can process data for a range of legal reasons.

Disclosing Information

On the basis of the legal justifications in Articles 6(1)(b), 6(1)(c), and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (see a description of the legal justifications above), we divulge information about you to the following groups of recipients:

According to Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, our processing for the aforementioned purposes is justified by our legitimate interests in providing you with ads and material that is of interest to you and improving our services (also known as "the balancing-of-interest rule"). provide non-child users who have granted us permission to share their advertising IDs with our advertising network partners (as further described under Sharing of Information) in order to show them a customized advertisement in the App (behavioral advertising).

Information Use: Goals and Legal Foundation

In compliance with the below-described legal basis for each type of personal data, we utilize information about you for the following purposes:

According to Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, our legitimate interests in presenting you with relevant material and adverts justify our processing for the aforementioned purpose. According to Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, the disclosure of your advertising ID to third parties for the purposes of behavioral advertising is dependent on your consent (see more below under Sharing of Information).

Age is being handled in order to: a. provide you related information as requested by you or as agreed upon with you; supply and deliver the items and services you order;

According to Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR, our processing for the aforementioned purpose is required for compliance reasons.

To provide and maintain the App and game experience, as well as to identify whether you are a child or adult for data protection purposes in order to ascertain the legal requirements for our processing of your data, log-, device-, usage-, and consumption information are processed. c. to send you administrative and support communications, technical notices, updates, and security alerts;

Complaints & Contacts?

You can email us at the address mentioned below if you have any more questions or concerns about our privacy statement.
